
Bulldozer at Amona

IDF issues restraining orders against rightists

Central Command Chief Yair Naveh signs restraining orders against 21 right-wing activists, following suspicions they will attempt to harm security forces, Palestinians during evacuation of Amona outpost, Hebron market

Central Command Chief Yair Naveh signed restraining orders against 21 right-wing activists following suspicions that they will attempt to harm security forces and Palestinians during the course of the evacuation of the Amona outpost and the Hebron market.


The IDF and police are preparing to carry out the clearance this week. They are expected to work along similar lines to the way the disengagement from Gaza was implemented.


A few thousand police, soldiers, and Border Police officers will take part in the evacuation, and will form three circles, with the first circle made up of police, the second of Border Police, and the third of IDF soldiers.


Security forces have announced that they will act with determination and zero tolerance following the riots in Hebron at the start of January by right-wing activists.


Naveh signed the restraining orders over the weekend against 21 right-wing activists, most of them settlers, who will be kept away for 30 days from Amona and Hebron.


Security officials say they received intelligence suggesting that the settlers were planning on harming security forces during the clearance, as well as Palestinians.


פרסום ראשון: 01.29.06, 09:49
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