
Photo: Yaron Brenner
Sharon. Still in coma
Photo: Yaron Brenner

Feeding tube inserted into PM's stomach

Hospital officials say medical procedure carried out successfully; Sharon 's condition continues to be critical but stable

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon underwent a medical procedure in which a feeding tube was inserted into his stomach. The Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital said that Sharon was mildly anaesthetized during the procedure, which was successfully completed.


Nearly a month after the prime minister was taken ill, his condition continues to be critical but stable. Since his hospitalization in the neurological department, world-renowned experts in coma conditions and brain injuries have monitored Sharon by his bedside.


On Saturday evening, Sharon underwent two tests which showed that the edema in his brain has decreased and that bleeding has stopped. The tests also showed that there was no change in the size of Sharon's brain ventricles, and there was no evidence of intracranial pressure.


'Responsive activity may be caused by reflex'


Professor Martin Rabay, a senior neurological doctor at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, referring to response activities seen by the prime minister, said that "the responsive activity can take place following sounds, but this might not be a conscience response, but from reflex."


Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert presented Kadima's party list of candidates for the 17th Knesset on Tuesday. During the presentation, he said: "The man who shaped the face of the State of Israel in recent years, the man who set up and founded the Kadima movement, is continuing to bravely fight his disease, and all of our hearts are with him."


פרסום ראשון: 02.01.06, 23:22
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