
Photo: Reuters
Bolton. Obligations under the Road Map
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Cheney. 'Hamas responsible for deaths of hundreds of Israelis'
Photo: Reuters

Security Council to Hamas: Commit to peace

U.S. Ambassador John Bolton calls on future Palestinian government to recognize Israel, commit itself to a negotiated settlement of Mideast conflict; U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney says on radio talk show Hamas must renounce violence, close down its military wing before it can be considered legitimate partner for talks

The U.N. Security Council told Hamas on Friday that a future Palestinian government must recognize Israel and commit itself to a negotiated settlement of the Mideast conflict culminating in two independent states living in peace.


In its first comment on the terror group's surprise victory in the January 25 Palestinian vote, the council congratulated the Palestinian people "on an electoral process that was free, fair and secure."


The council welcomed the commitment by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah Party was defeated, to the Road Map to peace drafted by the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia.


The Security Council reaffirmed "its profound attachment to the vision of two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security" and reminded both parties of their obligations under the Road Map.


Leaders from Hamas and the ruling Fatah party have met twice in recent days to discuss the formation of a new government. Hamas has said it would like Fatah to join in a coalition, but senior Fatah leaders said they preferred to stay in the opposition.


The Security Council statement, read at a formal meeting by U.S. Ambassador John Bolton, the current council president, underlined the need for the Palestinian Authority "to prevent terrorist attacks and dismantle the infrastructure of terror."


Without naming Israel, it also called for a halt to settlement expansion and expressed concern about the route of the security barrier Israel is building to keep out Palestinian attackers.


Cheney: Hamas must renounce violence


Also on Friday, American Vice President Dick Cheney said Hamas must renounce violence and close down its military wing before it can be considered a legitimate partner for talks.


Speaking in a radio talk show, Cheney said it is important to remember Hamas is a terror organization responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Israelis.


At a meeting in London on Monday, the so-called Quartet that drafted the Road Map said it was inevitable that future aid to a new Palestinian government led by the terror group would be reviewed by donors against that government's commitment to renounce violence and recognize Israel.


U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Monday that aid would not stop immediately. U.S. and European officials said it will probably take two to three months for a new Hamas government to form and take office, effectively giving Hamas a grace period to accede to international demands.


Yitzhak Benhorin contributed to the report


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