
Photo: Amir Cohen
Islamic Movement rally
Photo: Amir Cohen

Islamic Movement: We’re all Hamas

Islamic Movement members demonstrate in Negev town against Muhammad cartoons; senior member says ‘Europe’s assault against Muslims will result in cultures war. Arab MK: Attack on prophet stems from ignorance, racism

Ibrahim Sarsur, head of the Islamic Movement’s southern branch, said on Friday during a demonstration against the publication of the Muhammad cartoons “We are all Hamas and we are all with Hamas.”


During the demonstration, which was held in the northern Negev city of Rahat, the thousand Islamic Movement members on hand marched from a mosque to the municipality building waving banners and flags while calling out Muhammad’s name.


Sarsur, who is also running for a Knesset seat on the United Arab List’s ticket, said “I call from this stage to all the rational religious people to join our effort and stop the terror attack aimed at destroying any chance at coexistence between the cultures.”


‘Key to peace in Palestinian hands’


Sarsur’s deputy, Juma Alqasasi was a bit more militant in his speech, saying “Europe should not continue the assault against the Muslims, because it will result in a war between cultures. We call on the world, which refers to itself as the free world, to put an end to the attacks against Islam’s prophet.”


United Arab List MK Talab el-Sana, who was hospitalized on Wednesday following a confrontation with police officers, said during the rally “the attack stems from ignorance and racism. Western culture brought about the great wars; it used nuclear weapons and started the war in Iraq.


“The racism comes from the feeling that Muslims are weak, but we must believe in ourselves, in out culture and in our Islamic religion, because if Muslims all over the world will believe in their religion, we will win,” he added.”


MK Abdulmalik Dehamshe, also of the United Arab List, said “Islam is the religion that brought enlightenment to all of mankind. The attack (on Muhammad) can only result in the uprising of the Arab nation against the western world.”


“The key to peace is in Palestinian hands, and negotiations must be held with Hamas,” he added.


“The question is whether Israel wants peace. Only Hamas will bring peace, and perhaps Israel will come to its senses after the (March) elections.”


פרסום ראשון: 02.10.06, 19:41
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