
Photo: Tomeriko
Olmert praises Bush, Rice
Photo: Tomeriko

Olmert: Abbas must choose

Speaking before American Jewish leaders in Jerusalem, acting prime minister says ball is in Palestinian court, stresses Palestinian government must decide whether it wishes to be part of terrorist organization

In the wake of Hamas' election victory, the Palestinian government under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas must decide whether it wishes to be part of a terror group or act against terror, Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says.


"We will not negotiate and we will not deal with a PA that will be dominated wholly or partly by a terrorist organization", Olmert said in a speech before the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem Tuesday evening.


Israel will reexamine its relationship with the Palestinian Authority, Olmert said, adding that a Hamas-led PA entirely changes the rules of the game.


In his address, Olmert praised the international community, and specifically U.S. President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for leading an uncompromising stance on Hamas and insisting the group must honor past agreements with Israel.


The acting prime minister also lauded Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah for insisting Hamas must renounce terrorism and recognize Israel.


'Ahmadinejad obsessed'


Turning his attention to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Olmert said Iran's leader was "obsessive" in his anti-Semitic hatred. The acting PM said he could not recall a national leader who in recent years spoke out so aggressively and hatefully against Israel.


Regarding Iran's efforts to develop nuclear capabilities, Olmert said "we have good reasons to think Israel will be the first target" for such weapons, particularly in light of Ahmadinejad's comments. Olmert said the decision to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council is a first step in a long road that must soon lead to fully control over Iranian uranium enrichment.


Yet despite the threat on Israel, Olmert stressed the United States and Europe must also be disturbed by Iran's plans and strive to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions.


פרסום ראשון: 02.14.06, 22:51
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