
Photo: Zaka
Man attacked (archive photo)
Photo: Zaka

Man seriously hurt in stabbing attack

Victim claims he was stabbed by two Palestinians who fled the scene of the attack

A 45-year-old man was found in serious condition near a Maale Adumim geriatric hospital on Saturday evening suffering from stab wounds, police said.


The man claims he was stabbed by two Palestinians who fled the scene of the attack. The man was transferred to the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem where he was operated on. Police later confirmed the motive for the attack was nationalistic.


Police received a call from a man who said he found the victim bleeding on the floor outside the Maale Adumin hospital when he walked out for a cigarette.



Police found the 30-centimeter knife used in the attack. IDF troops in the area are helping the police to locate the perpetrators.


A Magen David Adom who was at the scene of the attack told Ynet: “I saw the injured man lying on the Ofer motorway, stabbed, aged 45, probably of the former Soviet Union. He was stabbed in the abdomen, in the chest and the hand. He said he doesn’t know who stabbed him. Police arrived earlier. It seems like a murder attempt. His wounds were deep.”


Earlier, three Palestinian youths were arrested at a checkpoint south of Jerusalem for carrying knives.


One of the teenagers told police that he had planned to stab a policeman to avenge the death of his brother by IDF troops.


פרסום ראשון: 02.18.06, 23:38
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