
Good news for grandma
Photo: CD Bank

Innovation: Ice cream for elders

Ice cream developed by Israeli company rich in calories, protein, vitamins, and fiber

Would you like some ice cream, grandpa? Shefa Group, who specializes in food catering services and management solutions, is developing food products earmarked for elderly people (retirement age and up.)


The first product the company developed is "ice cream for pensioners" rich in calories, protein, vitamins, and fiber.


Shefa introduced the ice cream this week in a nutritionists' conference. The company says the ice cream is a nutritional solution for people over the age of 65 who often need to supplement their diet for the purpose of gaining weight, or for enriching their diet for health reasons. Children in need of gaining weight are also a target market for the ice cream


The ice cream was developed by Chef Gili De-Pichoto and Shefa's own dietician, Tal Friling. This is the first product in a series of products and menus planed to cater to the elderly population.


"We are aware of a direct link between mood and appetite and openness to food among elderly people", said Ronit Paz, head of the health division in the company.

"We developed this unique ice cream that could enhance the menu of the elderly and have a direct impact on their health and psychological condition".


פרסום ראשון: 03.05.06, 18:24
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