
Photo: AP
Coming to Jerusalem? Ricky Martin
Photo: AP

Woodstock in Jerusalem

Rock music producers planning musical peace rally in Israel for November; if plans come to pass, show could include first-rate talent such as Ricky Martin, Cher

Could Israel be headed for a musical extravaganza to include Cher, Ricky Martin, Celine Dion, Cindy Lauper and R.E.M.? If you ask American producer Alan Roy Scott, the answer is yes.


Scott, a well known Hollywood music producer, wrote the music for 1980s movies Top Gun and Karate Kid, amongst other movies. He is planning a Woodstock-style concert in Jerusalem later this year to advance peace between Jews and Muslims.


The event is supposed to be the biggest music festival in Israeli history, to include at least 15 top-notch artists from the United States.


Experienced producer


Scott has a long record of producing "peace concerts." Over the past 25 years he has organized concerts in the former Soviet Union, Ireland, Germany, Indonesia and Cuba. In 1988 he created the "Music Bridges Around the World" program aimed at bridging the gaps between people by the use of music. But he says the Jerusalem project is his most ambitious yet.


Scott's idea is to bring musicians from all over the world to Israel for a week, apparently in November. The guests will spend the week singing, composing, writing and consulting. The week will conclude with a gala concert be broadcast live around the world.


Afterwards, he wants to produce a CD with all the songs written especially for the occasion. Possible venues for the concert include the Sultan's Pool amphitheater, outside the walls of the Old City.


Muslim, Western artists


Scott's plan calls for 15 Western artists, 15 Muslims and 15 Israelis to take part in the festival. He has already made contact with artists from Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and the Palestinian Authority, many of whom said they would like to participate.


At the same time, he has also made contact with several major record labels who have expressed interest in producing the CD, and are willing to sponsor the event by bringing artists to Israel and putting on the concert.


At this stage Scott refuses to name the American artists who could participate in the festival, but according to press reports in the United States, he is working on a long list of singers and bands, some of whom have played at his festivals before. Big names include Cher, Cindy Lauper, Celine Dion, Robert Falk, Sheena Easton, Earth, Wind and Fire, and R.E.M. and others.


Scott has also met with Israel's general consul in Los Angeles, Ehud Danoch, and PR Consul Gilad Milo to gain official support for the ambitious project. He says that as soon as the ball begins to move, big-name artists will fight to be included in the lineup.


As a first step, Scott has asked for an official letter from the Israeli government expressing a willingness to host the festival, that it would welcome the Muslim artists, including those with no diplomatic ties with Israel. He also wants the government to commit to securing the events and the artists.


Over the coming week Scott will make a planning visit to Israel to check out hotels that could host the visiting artists and rehearsal studios.


פרסום ראשון: 03.15.06, 21:03
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