
Photo: CD Bank
Lesbian movie used to promote Israel (Archive photo)
Photo: CD Bank

PR, San Francisco-style

Israel consulate in northern California takes novel approach to promoting Israel amongst cities gay, pro-Palestinian population: By promoting a film about ultra-Orthodox lesbians

New approach: Israel's general consul in San Francisco has tried a new tack in promoting Israel to the cities large homosexual community: A series of screening of the movie, "Keep Not Silent," a movie about ultra-Orthodox lesbians.


The consulate has invited the films director, Ilil Alexander, for a series of events with the highly-influential, traditionally pro-Palestinian community, Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Sunday.


The consulate said thousands of people attended events with Alexander, and Israel's consul general, David Akov, invited guests to visit Israel.


"Alexander's visit represents for us an opportunity to deepen our ties with the homo-lesbian community, and to increase cooperation with it," said assistant consul general Omer Caspi.


פרסום ראשון: 03.19.06, 16:48
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