
Photo: Amir Cohen
Voting in Nitzan
Photo: Amir Cohen

Evacuees frustrated on Election Day

For Gush Katif evacuees living in Nitzan caravilla site, Election Day is just another depressing day; ballots are cast for lack of any other option, while not only right-wing parties expected to receive votes

Election Day at the Nitzan caravilla site was just another day of depression and frustration for Gush Katif evacuees living there.


Election signs were scarcely seen near voting stations, while only torn signs of Shas and the National Union-National Religious Party testified to the fact that elections were taking place.


Video: Shiran Valk


The evacuees were meant to vote at two voting stations placed in the area using double envelopes, due to the fact that they have no permanent address. Unlike other voting stations across the country, Nitzan doesn’t have an organized voters list.


Many of those who arrived at the voting station Tuesday morning did not do it wholeheartedly. They explained to Ynet that they were going to vote so that their vote won't be lost and that perhaps they could influence and change their bitter destiny.


Only voting for God


On the opposite side stood several potential voters who were not expected to cast their ballots Tuesday. After the disengagement, they said, they don’t believe in anyone but God.


Judging from the orange color dominating the site, it seems that the National Union-National Religious Party is expected to receive most of the caravilla site's votes.


It turned out, however, that there were also those planning to vote for Kadima. One of the party's supporters explained that he was voting for Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's party only in a bid not to cause a bigger mess.


פרסום ראשון: 03.28.06, 15:11
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