
Photo: Tsafrir Aviov
Sappers examine Qassam rocket in Karmiya
Photo: Tsafrir Aviov
Photo: Tsafrir Avayov
Karmiya residents protest lack of protection from Qassams
Photo: Tsafrir Avayov

Qassam lands in kibbutz soccer field

Two Qassam rockets were fired at south Israel. One lands in soccer field in kibbutz Karmiya, south of Ashkelon; one person sustains light injuries, several people suffered shock, car parked nearby was damaged. Mofaz: Hamas government responsible for situation in Palestinian territories

Two Qassam rockets were fired Thursday afternoon at southern Israel. One of the rockets landed in a soccer field in kibbutz Karmiya, south of Ashkelon. One person sustained light injuries and several people suffered shock; a car parked nearby was damaged.


The al-Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, later claimed responsibility for the attack.


The residents of the Karmiya cara-villa site claim the promises regarding protection made to them following the last attack were not fulfilled as of yet.


"There was a great miracle here, because many children play on the soccer during these hours," resident Ora Ofa told Ynet.


"As evacuees we are tired of it; now a new government will be formed and another few months will pass until some comes to talk to us. The protection-issue is not progressing, and the contactor tells us that the money is still stuck in the defense ministry."


The second rocket apparently landed in an open field in the area.


About a month and-a-half ago, three members of the Amar family, including a 10-month-old baby, were wounded after a Qassam directly hit their cara-villa at the kibbutz.


Meanwhile, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Thursday that the Hamas government is responsible for the situation in the Palestinian territories.


'Israel's policy regarding Hamas is clear'


“As of yesterday (Wednesday), all that has happened in the Palestinian Authority fully falls under the responsibility of the Hamas government,” Mofaz said. He mentioned the fire of Qassam rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israel on Friday, saying the attacks require decisive military action.


"We must reach all those involved in this (Qassam fire)… the entire infrastructure, from those who possess the Grads (Russian-made rockets), to the planners and those who carry out the attacks," Mofaz said, adding that "Israel's policy regarding Hamas is clear, and there will be no dialogue with that government as long as they do not comply with the four conditions: the annulment of the charter, the disarmament of the organization, recognition of Israel and th4e acknowledgement of past agreements with Israel."


The defense minister instructed the security establishment to increase pressure on the terror organizations, specifically on Islamic Jihad. Security sources informed the defense minister that the threat level from the terror groups is high, and therefore the closure of Gaza and the West Bank will remain in effect until further notice.


Shmulik Hadad contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 03.30.06, 16:49
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