
Photo: Haim Tzach
‘Broad government important.’ Olmert
Photo: Haim Tzach
National Union-NRP members during meeting with Katsav
Photo: Gil Yochanan

Olmert, National Union-NRP discuss politics

Acting PM says during meeting that it is clear to him that religious-Zionist party won’t join coalition; National Union-NRP members say referendum on future West Bank evacuations was discussed

Kadima Chairman Ehud Olmert met with senior National Union-National Religious Party members Zevulun Orlev and Benny Elon on Monday to discuss the political situation.


The acting prime minister said during the meeting that it is clear to him that the religious-Zionist party will not join his coalition but that it is important that he meet its representatives as he regards forming a broad government representing many different sectors as highly important.


Olmert reiterated that the condition for joining the government is the agreement to advance the diplomatic processes and a “stable economy with social compassion.”


National Union-NRP members said the discussion also focused on the possibility of holding a referendum regarding the evacuation of West Bank settlements.


“Olmert said a referendum is not on the agenda, but he does not rule it out in the future,” one party member said.


‘Forming of coalition to begin next week’


During a meeting between National Union-NRP representatives and the president on Monday, party member Elon said, ‘we have reached a decision to recommend the person capable of forming an emergency social coalition, as we understood that (Labor Chairman) Amir Peretz took this task upon himself. But with all due respect, we did not appreciate the ambiguity that resonated from the Labor party today. We have not changed our stance but we want clarifications from Amir on whether he plans to take this challenge; if so, we will recommend him.”



According to Elon, the president is set to hold a second round of talks in a bid to clarify the situation, adding that Katsav wishes to summon Peretz to understand whether he sees himself a candidate for prime minister.


Orlev added: ‘President Katsav told us that Labor members informed him of Peretz’s intent to form a national emergency government.”


Earlier Olmert met with Israel Our Home Chairman Avigdor Lieberman and with Meretz officials.


Also on Monday, representatives of the Pensioners party met with President Moshe Katsav and recommended that he task Olmert with forming the next government.


Kadima officials estimate the actual forming of the coalition will begin next week.


Ilan Marciano contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 04.03.06, 15:40
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