
Natalie Portman in her new film"

Portman researches grandparents for film role

Israeli-born actress says grandparents' suffering helped her prepare for new role

Hollywood actress Natalie Portman says she researched the history of her grandparents' suffering in the Holocaust via the internet to prepare for her role in her latest film.


Portman stars in 'V for Vendetta' and said she thought about her ancestors' suffering while filming torture scenes.


The Israeli-born Portman told the Independent newspaper about how she prepared for the role:

"Fortunately my grandparents escaped, but their families perished in the Holocaust," she explained. "There were stories in the house of what happened to them, but we didn't talk about it much. I had to go on a website to read my grandfather's descriptions of what happened to the family, but it is absolutely something I have lived with and have grown up with."


Refresh memories


Portman hopes the film can refresh people's memories about the horrors man has committed in times of war so these evils never happen again.


"I loved that this film is an abstract thing because after the Holocaust, people said it would never happen again but now we have Rwanda and Bosnia. Maybe V for Vendetta can remind us to stand up against such despotism," Portman said.


Many have seen a deeper message about terrorism in the plot of V for Vendetta, but Portman says it isn't true.


"I don't think there's a message about terrorism in the film. It creates a complicated story and I think it's all about what the audience brings to it."


Portman plays a character called Evey, a young woman rescued from gang-rapists by V, whose disfigured face is concealed beneath a curiously creepy mask. Set against the futuristic landscape of a totalitarian Britain, the pair becomes unlikely allies in a battle against tyranny.


Openly pro-Israel


The Jerusalem born actress is one of few Hollywood actors who speak openly about Jewish subjects, especially Israel. Portman said in a recent interview that she has become more pro-active in defense of Israel, which she considers home.


"I'm currently exploring ways to help because I love my country," said Portman. Speaking about how she has to defend Israel when someone attacks it, Portman has increasingly become more involved.


"These issues come up at parties and dinners with people who don't know a lot, and as someone who was born in Israel, you're put in a position of defending Israel because you know how much is at stake. It's become a much bigger part of my identity in recent years because it's become an issue of survival," Portman related 


Reprinted with permission from European Jewish Press


פרסום ראשון: 04.05.06, 15:35
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