
Photo: Reuters
Bush. No direct aid
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Senators vote (Archive photo)
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Palestinian Prime Minister Haniyeh
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Photo: AFP
No aid. PA Chairman Abbas
Photo: AFP

U.S. curbs PA aid

New bill calls on U.S. government to cease all non-humanitarian aid to Palestinian Authority so long Hamas is in government; humanitarian aid to be stepped up through United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved the “Palestinian Law Against Terror 2006,” which bans the United States from holding contacts and giving aid that is not classified as humanitarian to the Hamas-controled Palestinian Authority.


The bill passed with a 36-2 vote in the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Department of the House of Representatives. The bill, which was hastily penned, gives Congress extended powers to make sure that American taxpayers’ money doesn’t reach “an authority controlled by a terror organization.” Tough restrictions will be imposed on PA envoys in the U.S.


The bill was presented by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Representative Tom Lantos and was supported by 226 Representatives. Now that the bill has been approved by the Joint Committee, a it will almost certainly be passed by the House of Representatives.


The American administration is not particularly moved by such bills, which include a network of Congressional supervisions over the President. But the final draft will be submitted after consultations with the White House.


The law states that the PA will not receive U.S. aid until the President reports to Congress that:


1-The Palestinian Authority and its institutions are not controlled by a terror organization and that no elected representative of a terror organization is serving in government institutions


2- The Palestinian Authority under Hamas has to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state and should be committee to all past agreements with Israel, including the road map


3- The PA has to cleanse its security services of terror elements, disarm terror groups and cooperate with Israel in the fight against terror


4- Stop incitement against Israel


5- Secure democratic values, enforce law and order and ensure financial transparency


The bill however allows President George W. Bush to funnel aid to Palestinian election committees providing they do not include terror elements.


Under special circumstances it is possible to give aid to the PA chairman’s office, to his personal security unit, or to expenses related to peace. The president has to prove that the aid is critical to peace efforts, that the PA chairman is not affiliated with a terror group, that aid doesn’t end up in the hands of terror groups and that the aid serves the security interests of the United States.


The new bill imposes tight travel restrictions on PA officials and bans the establishment in the United States of Palestinian offices related to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

President Bush has to sign a special degree allowing the PA delegation to Washington to keep its offices in the American capital.


Under the travel restrictions PA officials cannot travel beyond a 40-kilometer radius of the United Nations compound in New York and can only obtain visas to the U.S. after President George W. Bush signs a restrictions order.


פרסום ראשון: 04.06.06, 22:22
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