
Photo: Reuters
PA Chairman Abbas - worried
Photo: Reuters

Abbas warns: Dramatic deterioration in PA

Palestinian leader sounds alarm over state of PA after foreign aid suspended

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday that the situation in the Palestinian areas is deteriorating dramatically, following decisions by the West to cut off aid to the new Hamas government.


"The situation is deteriorating in a dramatic and tragic way," Abbas told reporters. "All countries have cut off their aid to the Palestinians under the pretext that the money is going to the government. But in fact it does not go to the government. It goes to the Palestinian people and human services."


Last week, the United States and Europe announced they are suspending tens of millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority.


Hamas pleads for Muslim help


On Tuesday, A Hamas delegation left for Iran in a bid to raise funds for the PA. The six Hamas representatives are scheduled to tour Muslim states across the Middle East and southeast Asia.


Hamas lawmaker Mushir al-Masri said that "the delegation will try to 'open the doors' of Arab countries and help the Palestinian Authority in the face of the international boycott."


Hamas called on the Arab countries' residents to demonstrate and pressure their governments into transferring money to the PA.


Tough approach 


Meanwhile, Israeli officials appear to be unimpressed with Palestinian remarks.


Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert discussed Israel's attitude to the Hamas-led PA during a special government session Tuesday. Participants decided to employ the same approach to all Palestinian Authority elements, including Abbas, and to only open Gaza Strip crossings in accordance with security considerations.


At the end of the discussion, Olmert said that "following the swearing-in of the Hamas (government,) the Palestinian Authority became a terror authority."


"No contacts will be held with the authority, because it's a hostile authority," he said.


Attila Somfalvi contributed to the story


פרסום ראשון: 04.11.06, 15:21
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