
Photo: Reuters
Injured child evacuated to hospital after strike
Photo: Reuters

UK condemns killing of child in Gaza

Foreign Office minister says civilian casualties in Strip 'unacceptable,' urges Israel to exercise restraint. Actions in territories must be in accordance with international law, he states

British Foreign Office Minister Kim Howells condemned Israel on Tuesday for the killing of nine year-old Hadil Ghaben in the Gaza town of Beit Lahiya Monday.


"We condemn the killing of a young Palestinian girl in the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza following Israeli artillery shelling. We are particularly concerned about the impact of Israeli artillery fire close to residential areas. Recent Israeli IDF operations have resulted in several Palestinian civilian deaths, including children. Such civilian casualties are unacceptable," Howells said.


"The British Ambassador in Tel Aviv has asked the Israeli Government to exercise maximum restraint. Israel has the right to defend itself, but any actions in the occupied territories must be proportionate and in accordance with international law. Equally, we urge the Palestinian Authority to take steps to halt all attacks launched at Israeli targets from the Gaza Strip."


Palestinians seek international condemnation


The Palestinians have asked the United Nations Security Council on Monday to take steps against the ongoing Israeli shelling of the Gaza Strip, in wake of the deaths of close to 20 Palestinians in recent days as a result of IDF strikes.


Representatives of the Arab group in the U.N. convened in New York in order to coordinate their efforts. Following the meeting, they decided to request a Security Council condemnation of Israeli strikes in Gaza.


The IDF's Southern Command issued a statement following Monday's strike saying the army regretted any harm caused to civilians, but stressing this was the result of terrorists making cynical use of innocent Palestinians in the Strip.


The IDF's Spokesperson Office said in response to the attacks: "Unfortunately, the terror organizations take advantage of the army's sensitivity regarding attacks on civilians, and deliberately act from inside populated areas, using the Palestinian people as a human shield," the statement said.


"The IDF regrets the harm caused to civilians and their property, but this is the inevitable result of the continuation of rocket strikes. The terror groups and the Palestinian Authority bear the responsibility for that, as they do nothing to stop the Qassam fire," it read.


פרסום ראשון: 04.11.06, 17:51
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