
Photo: Dafna Talmon
Lisbon success story
Photo: Dafna Talmon

Brazilian Jew takes Portugal by storm

Bussinessman Arnaldo Grossman says he has never experienced anti-Semitism in Portugal, his adopted home. But he's got a challenge getting the Jewish community to capitalize on the resources its got

Arnaldo Grossman left Brazil in 1989 to establish a real estate company in Lisbon. He came with his wife and three kids, knowing he would have to face a new challenge. What he did not know was that his new adventure would transform to real estate scene in Portugal.


Grossman was the first to introduce the Internet into this business area in the country. His company advertisings got the most important prizes and compelled the market to be more creative.


His company got its great reputation by introducing innovative marketing techniques and fresh concepts to the real estate business and by working for the largest developers and builders in Portugal. Since entering the Portuguese market, Grossman has been involved in the sales and marketing campaigns of the largest real estate projects of Lisbon.


Sports and socializing


His arrival also brought changes to the Jewish Community. He was one of the founders of the Maccabi Country Club, where he currently serves as president.


Judaism is part of his life and he is glad to help the community as a volunteer: “The Judaism is in the volunteer work I do as the Jewish Community patrimony director and as president of the Maccabi Country Club,” he says.


According to Grossman, racism does not exist in the Portuguese business life. He has never experienced a situation where he was discriminated for being Jewish: “There is no such a thing here. Not against Jews. I never felt any kind of restriction while I was doing business because of that.”


The arrival of a Jewish Brazilian in this market scared some people. There were those who wondered what a foreign businessman was doing in Portugal. Grossman on the other hand was astonished.


“There were a few surprises. I did not imagine a Jewish Community that was so small and so spread out. In the beginning, I had a few difficulties adapting, but as time goes by and as I get to know people better, I have had great fun with friends I made along the way. Besides, with the Maccabi Country Club, I have this huge satisfaction of seeing the future generation participating. In Brazil, I was not an activist of the community, although I had a complete Jewish traditional education,” says Grossman.


Business opportunities


In politics, the “half-Portuguese half-Brazilian” businessman says the situation demands optimism of the people. He has good expectations about the new Portuguese president: “For the Jewish Community, our relations were always good and it will stay like this.”


In other words, business will develop. The same can be said about the relationship between Jewish businessmen. At least, this is Grossman's point of view: “Jewish businessmen in Portugal are very close, they are friends, but rarely do business together.


"I think in recent years, there was a lack social and sporting opportunities (for the Jewish community), but the Maccabi Country Club changed this. In future, we will be closer and, certainly, business will come naturally.


“We have a wonderful group of teenagers and children and the future of Maccabi Country Club will be in this new generation’s hands. My work as president is to plan a future with stability, so the club will not depend on the contribution of the community partners, which is limited,” Grossman comments.


He also has great expectations for Lisbon’s Jewish Community: “The Lisbon Jewish Community is always looking to the future without forgetting the present. The current direction is excellent and it’s been making a big effort to keep the Jewish tradition alive in Portugal. It is not an easy work because we are very small with the natural contradictions of a Jewish Community. But I do believe we have a better future ahead”.


Nuno Wahnon Martins contributed to the story


Reprinted from European Jewish Press


פרסום ראשון: 04.30.06, 14:06
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