
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Marina Solodkin
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Photo: Knesset website
'We succeeded big-time.' Whbee
Photo: Knesset website

Russian, Arab MKs: We won’t back gov’t

Just hours before vote on new cabinet Russian, Arab representatives in ruling Kadima party threaten not to support new government as they were not appointed to cabinet posts; Olmert says he hope Meretz, United Torah Judaism will join

Just a few hours from the swearing in ceremony of the new government in Knesset Thursday evening, the Russian and Arab representatives in the ruling Kadima party have threatened not to support the government as they were not appointed to cabinet posts.


MK Marina Solodkin and Majalli Whbee said they may abstain or be absent from the vote altogether.


Solodkin said she will weigh her options until the Knesset vote.


“The public that I represent is constantly calling me and demanding that I oppose the swearing in of the government,” she said.


“I have not decided on how I’ll act, but one thing is for certain – I will not support the government.”


A source close to Solodkin said, “the campaign on the Russian street was built on Solodkin getting the Absorption Ministry. Olmert personally guaranteed this during meetings with the olim (new immigrants).


Meanwhile Whbee told Ynet, “there cannot be a situation whereby Kadima does not allow representation for the non-Jewish and immigrant sectors. We succeeded big-time in bringing in the mandates. Sharon wanted us (in Kadima) so we would mend governmental injustices. Olmert is degrading an entire sector’s intelligence.”


'I hope this government will expand'


Both MKs plan to speak their mind at the Kadima meeting scheduled to take place prior to the vote.


“I will see how the faction is dealing with the matter and will vote accordingly,” Whbee said.


The only post to be held by a member of the Arab sector is that of Internal Affairs Committee chairman, designated for Labor MK Raleb Majadele.


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said during Kadima’s first official faction meeting Thursday, “I hope this government will expand – there are other parties we hope will join in - United Torah Judaism and Meretz – and I have not given up on the chance of continuing to negotiate with Israel Our Home. I believe that the broader the coalition is the more stable it will be.” 


Ilan Marciano contribute to the report


פרסום ראשון: 05.04.06, 12:41
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