
Photo: AFP
President Bush addresses the American Jewish Committee
Photo: AFP

Bush pledges 'unwavering support' for Israel

U.S. president tells American Jewish Committee on its 100th anniversary: 'America's commitment to Israel's security is strong, enduring and unshakeable'

American President George Bush promised Friday to take an aggressive stand against the Hamas government, to press for a "difficult decision" to be taken in the U.N's Security Council on the Iranian nuclear issue, and to safeguard Israel's security without wavering.


Bush said and his government would have no contact with Hamas leaders of the Palestinian government until the group recognizes Israel.


"America's commitment to Israel's security is strong, enduring and unshakeable," Bush said in a speech in Washington, speaking to the American Jewish Committee, which is marking its 100th anniversary.


The U.S. president said that Israel and the United States were "natural allies and these ties will never be broken."


'No contact with Hamas'


"Hamas has made it clear that they do not acknowledge the righto f Israel to exist, and I made it clear that so long as that's their policy we will have no contact with the leaders of Hamas," Bush said.


He added: "Hamas must accept the demands of the international community to recognise Israel, disarm and reject terrorism, and stop blocking the path to peace."


Addressing the Iranian problem, Bush said: "We are concerned because the Iranian regime is repressing its people, sponsoring terrorists, destabilizing the region, threatening Israel and defying the world with its ambitions for nuclear weapons. American will continue to rally the world to confront these threats."

America will continue to rally the world to confront these threats, we're making progress," Bush said.


"We will continue to press the Iranian government to comply" with U.N. Security Council resolutions, he added.


פרסום ראשון: 05.05.06, 08:28
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