
Photo: AFP
Settler at home slated for evacuation
Photo: AFP

Hebron: Police, settlers clash

Preparing for evacuation: Two policemen hurt after settlers hurl stones, eggs at forces ahead of Hebron home evacuation; Knesset member and rabbi say security forces activity in area tantamount to desecration of Sabbath

Two police officers were wounded Friday in clashes with settlers in Hebron while preparing for the clearing of a home in the West Bank town.


Two settlers, one of them a minor, were detained and taken in for interrogation over the violence. Police officials stressed they have no intention of evacuating any homes during Sabbath, but the reassuring message seems to have done little to calm tensions.


Security forces in Hebron (Photo: Reuters)


Friday morning, the High Court of Justice gave the go-ahead to security authorities to remove three families from an illegally occupied home in Hebron by Monday. After authorities examined documents presented by the families, it turned out the families were violating the law.


On Thursday, security forces waited the entire day for the High Court decision on the petition filed by the settlers against the evacuation. The decision was only handed out in the evening, with judges ruling the families can leave by 11 a.m. Friday. However, due to the proximity to the Sabbath, authorities decided to wait with the evacuation, which is estimated to be carried out Sunday evening.


Despite the evacuation delay, tensions were high at the home slated for evacuation throughout the day. In the morning, dozens of youths and adults gathered in the area. Some zones were declared a closed military zone and clashes quickly ensued.


The youths at the site damaged a Border Guard jeep, and at one point more forces were called in to the area to prevent further disruptions. A short while later, settlers began hurling eggs and paint-filled bulbs at troops, damaging more military and police equipment.


Police officials said an unidentified object was thrown at the forces and the sound of an explosion followed. The object was taken in for lab tests.


Settler in Hebron (Photo: Reuters)


One of the injured officers sustained head wounds after being hit by a paint-filled bottle. Another officer sustained eye wounds after being hit by an egg. Later in the evening, settlers began hurling stones at the troops.


Meanwhile, Rabbi Shimon Ben Tzion, a Kiryat Arba council member, said "a mass Sabbath desecration would be caused because of the IDF's intention to seal off the area during the Sabbath."


Shas Knesset Member David Azoulay spoke with police officials over fears that the Sabbath will be desecrated.


However, Police Chief Moshe Karadi and the district commander promised to prevent any desecration.


פרסום ראשון: 05.05.06, 19:28
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