
Photo: Dudu Vaaknin
There are currently 61 petitions in the High Court against the fence
Photo: Dudu Vaaknin
Photo: Yossi Rot
Haim Ramon
Photo: Yossi Rot

'Most of security fence complete in 6 months'

Defense community members not concerned by dozens of petitions made against route of West Bank security fence, promise during meeting that fence will be completed within six months

Members of the defense community promised the newly-appointed Justice Minister Haim Ramon that 95 percent of the West Bank security fence will be complete by the end of 2006.


This obligation was given during a meeting held by Ramon on the issue of bringing forward the completion of the security fence, and examining the judicial problems delaying the project.


This was the first meeting held by Ramon in his capacity as justice minister. He received the keys to his office from outgoing justice minister Tzipi Livni yesterday (Sunday).


During the meeting, a detailed briefing was given on both the completed and uncompleted sections of the fence. There are currently 61 petitions in the High Court against the fence and a further 16 administrative petitions before the Fence Committee.


During the session, it was also highlighted that 53 petitions to the High Court have been dealt with, a fact which has allowed 350 kilometers (217 miles) of the fence to be completed so far.


Security officials said that within half a year, most of the security fence, which is 470 kilometers (292 miles) long, will be complete. Ramon promised to make every effort, together with the judicial system, in order to hasten procedures to construct the areas of the fence not yet completed.


It was also decided that a meeting would be held every two weeks in which judicial and administrative procedures regarding the fence would be closely monitored. 


פרסום ראשון: 05.08.06, 20:03
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