
Photo: AP
Arrest made in the territories
Photo: AP

UK citizen arrested in territories

Palestinian-British man arrested eight days ago security forces and special police force after being suspected of transferring funds; British embassy staff meet with man

The Shin Bet recently arrested a Palestinian with British citizenship who is suspected of involvement with transferring money to Hamas. Ayash Ali was arrested eight days ago, but news of the arrest was only released on Thursday.


The arrest took place in the territories in cooperation with a special police force, and the man was taken in for interrogation by the Shin Bet. Karen Kaufman, spokeswoman for the British Embassy in Israel, told The Associated Press that Ayash Ali was arrested on May 9, and British diplomats have had access to him in custody and have attended remand hearings. She could say only that he has not been charged with any offense, but has legal representation.


An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity as investigations are ongoing, said Ali was being held on security grounds.


This is not the first time a British citizen has been linked to terrorism in Israel. In April 2003, British national Asif Muhammad Hanif blew himself up in the Mike's Place pub on the Tel Aviv promenade. Three people were murdered in the bombing.


A second British man, Omar Khan Sharrif, accompanied Hanif. The men were sent by Hamas, and both were dispatched as suicide bombers.


They succeeded in entering the country through their British passports, but Sharif failed to detonate his explosives belt. He escaped and apparently tried to flee by way of the sea. His body was washed up on the Tel Aviv beach a number of weeks later.


AP contributed to this report.


פרסום ראשון: 05.18.06, 23:55
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