
Photo: Reuters
Suha Arafat
Photo: Reuters

Suha Arafat and Abbas make up

Wife of former PA chairman met in Tunis with Abbas, both agree to strengthen relations

Suha Arafat, the widow of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, has made up with the current chairman, Mahmoud Abbas.


The two bridged their divisions on Thursday when Abbas met Suha during his visit in Tunis, and the two agreed to strengthen relations.


Abbas and Suha Arafat cut ties when Arafat was lying at Paris hospital. Suha mobilized the Arab press and claimed that Abbas and other Palestinian leaders were attempting to replace Arafat while he was still alive.


The declaration was highly embarrassing to the Palestinian leadership, but it became clear that the division was based on arguments over money between the sides, specifically regarding the financial compensation to be received by the widow from the capital controlled by her husband.


Last Thursday, during Abbas' visit to Tunis, the two found the way to put the breaks of the past behind them. In a statement released today, Suha said that the meeting, held at her home, was good and very warm.


"We discussed the national Palestinian political situation and the importance of the Palestinian dialogue, which the leader Arafat has always supported," Suha wrote in her statement.


Relations with Kadumi also repaired


During his visit, Abbas also made up with his rival for the Fatah leadership, Farouk Kadumi, Chairman of the PLO's National Committee.


The PA believes that relations were repaired due to the challenge placed by Hamas and its government to Fatah.


PA sources said that the repair in relations between Abbas and Suha Arafat is highly symbolic, since she does not serve any public role and has no power.


The warming in relations with both Kadumi and Suha Arafat are expected to strengthen Abba's position within his movement and in his relations with Hamas and Israel, PA sources said.


פרסום ראשון: 06.03.06, 16:45
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