
Photo: Amit Shabi
Amona evacuation
Photo: Amit Shabi
Photo: Amir Cohen
Haim Ramon
Photo: Amir Cohen

Ramon: Evacuation of illegal outposts imminent

Justice minister tells Ynet clearing of illegal West Bank outposts to commence in ‘few weeks time’; ministerial committee on issue to pass on recommendations on ways to prevent establishment of more outposts in future. Officials: Peretz views evacuation of illegal outposts as significant test of strength for government

Justice Minister Haim Ramon told Ynet on Sunday that “the evacuation of the illegal West Bank outposts will begin in a few weeks time.”


Ramon said the ministerial committee that was established to find ways to prevent settlers from setting up new illegal outposts is scheduled to pass on its recommendations to the government in about a month-and-a-half.


The Justice Minister said representatives of Peace Now and of the West Bank settlers are due to appear before the committee before it presents its recommendations.


“The committee will work to increase the enforcement of law in the territories to bring an end to the current situation and will determine ways to prevent the establishment of illegal outposts in the future,” Ramon said during a committee meeting.


Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Amir Peretz are also members of the ministerial committee on illegal outposts.


Attorney Talia Sasson, who drafted the report on the West Bank outposts, appeared before the committee on Sunday.


'No honor for Israel'


The defense minister has expressed his opinion on the matter a few times lately, and 10 days ago said that "illegal settlers add no respect to the State of Israel." Officials at the defense establishment told Ynet that they are preparing for the evacuation phase of the illegal outposts but refused to give a specific date.


Peretz's associates said that he views the evacuation of the illegal outposts as a significant test of strength for the government and its policy.


Three weeks ago Peretz renewed the validity of an order to evacuate 12 illegal outposts in Judea and Samaria. The list includes: Ramat Gilad, Givat Asaf, Maale Rehavam, Mitzpeh Lachish, Givat Haroe, and Mitzpeh Yitzhar.


The original decree for those outposts expired in May.


In April the Civil Administration mapped all the outposts in order to present the government with a demolition plan of illegal buildings in the area. The plan was revealed in an answer to a petition by Peace Now. The civil administration is scheduled to complete its work plan within a few months.


פרסום ראשון: 06.05.06, 00:52
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