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Kosher! (Archive)
Photo: AP

OU introduces 'Kashrut' website

Website by Orthodox Union aims to provide professional insights on kashrut certification. Rabbi Genack: It's a monumental achievement

The Kosher Division of the Orthodox Union has created a website geared towards professionals in the field, to provide insights into the increasingly complex and changing field of kashrut certification.


The new website utilizes the resources of the entire OU Kosher Division, including its 50 Rabbinic Coordinators, based at OU's New York headquarters, and its two poskim, or halachic (Jewish law) decision makers, as well as hundreds of OU Rabbinic Field Representatives all over the world.


"This website is a monumental achievement and a valuable resource,” declared Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of the OU Kosher Division. “The OU is the industry leader in the world of kashrut. We work with other kashrut agencies and local rabbinic councils to raise the standards of kashrtu in America and throughout the world.


"The new website will provide the kind of information that kashrtu professionals and other interested individuals will find informative and extremely helpful in keeping up with the changes in products and processes that impact on kashrtu certification and the halachic implications of these developments,” he noted 


The site includes both audio lectures and articles on a range of topics. These include technical articles, information about the latest changes in equipment and food technology, halachic questions, and practical solutions to problems that arise in kashrut supervision.


פרסום ראשון: 06.05.06, 19:54
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