
Photo: AP
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Photo: AP

Canadian Jewish leaders meet PM

B’nai Brith Canada delegation meets Stephen Harper, his senior advisors to discuss critical issues of Jewish community concern

A B’nai Brith Canada delegation, representing Canada’s Jewish community, has met Tuesday with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his senior advisors to discuss critical issues of Jewish community concern.


“Security of the Jewish community and of all Canadians is the number one issue of concern at present,” said Frank Dimant, Executive Vice

President of B’nai Brith Canada and a member of the delegation who met with Harper.


“Jewish communities world wide are all too often the first targets of global terrorism and therefore we are here to express to the Government our profound appreciation for its strong stance against terrorism and for its ongoing concerted efforts to enhance security protections for all Canadians.


"The core and urgent matters on the agenda for discussion with the Prime Minister included global and domestic threats of terrorist entities and the increasing menace posed by Iran. We take heart that this Government has made good on its pre-election promises, notable amongst them is its consistent refusal to continue to fund a Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority, and have every confidence that the Government will continue to adopt a principled stance on terrorism, which remains at forefront of Jewish community concerns.”


The delegation included: Gerry Weinstein, National President; Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President; Ted Greenfield, Past President; Rochelle Wilner, Past President; Aaron Remer, Chair-Elect, Institute for International Affairs; Joe Bogoroch, Member, National Board; Jason Kimelman, Representative of Doreinu, B’nai Brith Young leadership; Ruth Klein, National Director of Advocacy; and Michael Mostyn, Director of Government Relations.


פרסום ראשון: 06.07.06, 18:48
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