
Photo: AFP
Mosque where Reinman shot himself
Photo: AFP

Kahane writings found in dead soldier's room

Police uncover extreme-rightist publications among belongings of US-born haredi soldier Israel Reinman who committed suicide in mosque last week. Findings back theory Reinman was planning terror attack in place

The Shin Bet and the military police reported progress in the investigation into the suicide of American-born soldier Israel Reinman at a mosque near Jenin last week. A search of the dead soldier's room in the Old City in Jerusalem revealed books and publications of the Kahane Chai extreme-right movement, as well as writings of extremist rabbis.


As Reinman did not leave a letter behind, these findings support the assumption that the soldier intended to carry out a terror attack at the mosque.


Sources familiar with the probe said that this was only one theory the police was looking into, and that it may be rejected if contradicting evidence emerge.


Reinman left his home in Brooklyn and arrived in Israel about two months ago and enlisted with the haredi Nahal unit three weeks ago.


Last Monday he disappeared from his army base during a military drill, and was found dead several hours later at a mosque in the village of Akraba. Reinman fired several burst of gunfire at the building's walls before killing himself.


Reinman immigrated to Israel alone. None of his family members attended his funeral, which was held last week.


פרסום ראשון: 06.12.06, 09:44
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