
Photo: Hanan Greenberg
Disengagement. Psychologists preparing
Photo: Hanan Greenberg

Education Ministry prepares for next evacuation

Ministry sets up 'realignment team' ahead of possible future West Bank evacuation; team will address psychological, educational problems associated with pullout

Exclusive: Although the government has yet to approve the realignment plan for a withdrawal from the West Bank, the Education Ministry has already started preparing for the pullout.


Ynet has learned that education officials have been holding meetings recently in the framework of a "realignment team," compiled of representatives of the psychological services, staff and manpower officials, security and safety officials, supervisor from the national-religious sector and others, who took part in implementing the disengagement last year.

Atzmona evacuation last year. 'Prevent people from becoming refugees' (Phoro: Yaron Brenner)


The team will initially map the educational facilities in the West Bank. "The preparations for the realignment are based on analyzing lessons drawn from the evacuation during the disengagement," Southern District director at the Ministry, Amira Haim, explained.


"We set up a team that works according to contingency plans, which include a system of psychological support in situations of uncertainty and stress," she said. When an actual decision on the realignment plan passes, the Ministry will activate phase two of the plan and begin talking with headmasters, teachers and students.


Settlers willing to discuss evacuation


The main part of the preparations focuses on mental assistance. "If the realignment plan materializes, we are talking of a scale ten times bigger than the disengagement. Therefore we need to plan ahead in order not prevent a situation where people become refugees. We need to prepare for every scenario," Yochi Simantov, supervisor for stressful situations and crisis at the Ministry explained.


Today, Simantov said, the situation among settlers is different than it was before the disengagement, and residents are willing to discuss the possible evacuation.


The Education Ministry said in response: "Ahead of the new school year and seeing that a year has passed since the disengagement, the Ministry is drawing conclusions from the education processes during the last evacuation, as basis for a possible future evacuation. Education Minister Yuli Tamir did not give the order to begin these preparations."


פרסום ראשון: 07.05.06, 08:51
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