
Photo: Reuters
Biting his lips. Olmert
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Pressure on its way? Gaza funeral
Photo: Reuters

PM's Office: No ceasefire without soldier's release

Olmert's aides preparing public opinion for extended operation. But State also knows it is only a matter of time until international pressure starts influencing its actions

The Prime Minister's Office made it clear on Friday that "there will be no ceasefire without a release of the kidnapped soldier."


"The aims of Operation Summer Rains, as set by the cabinet, are to halt the Qassam fire and release the soldier. We will not go to a ceasefire as long as Gilad Shalit is not returned to us safe and sound," one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's associates said.


On Friday, Israel marked the 12th day since Corporal Shalit was kidnapped, without any clues on his fate. Nerves were tense also in light of the death toll in the field and the ongoing Qassam fire during the operation. But in spite of all that, Olmert's aides asked to maintain restraint.


"The prime minister spoke this week about biting his lips, and not in vain," state officials said. "One has to listen to the heads of the defense establishment – whether to the Shin Bet chief, who warned at the cabinet meeting that the operation may take weeks and even months, or to IDF commanders, such as the Givati Brigade commander, who said that the operation will not end in one swoop."


Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry is preparing to curb efforts by the Arab League to reach an international condemnation by Israel, following the Gaza operation and the arrest of senior Hamas members in the West Bank.


Senior ministry officials said that in the meantime the international "umbrella," which enables Israel to operate as a self-defense act, has not been removed. However, the remarks made by the European Union's external relations commissioner may be the first sign of international pressure.


The commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, called to halt Operation Summer Rains before the fabric of Gaza resident's lives is critically damaged. Also Sweden, Norway and even Turkey have not concealed their resentment over Israel's moves, and especially over the arrest of senior Hamas members.


Therefore, Israel is well aware that in spite of the declarations on an operation which is unlimited in time and space, it has in fact been limited in advance.


פרסום ראשון: 07.07.06, 14:47
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