
Nasrallah. Depicted as cobra snake
Photo: AP

Anti-Hizbullah T-shirt for sale on eBay

Fashion website joins companies trying to take advantage of fighting in Lebanon, tries to sell T-shirt displaying flyers dropped by IDF over Beirut

A fashion website has joined the wave of companies trying to take advantage of the fighting in Lebanon in order to gain some public relations. The website's owner rushed to put an anti-Hizbullah T-shirt for sale on eBay.


On the front of the T-shirt, its creators printed the original flyers that the Israel Defense Forces dropped over Beirut on Saturday, depicting Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah as a cobra snake ready to swallow Beirut.


The slogan "Fight Terrorism" and the IDF's logo in yellow lettering are printed on the back of the T-shirt.


According to the website's owner, the t-shirts are being put up for auction and all proceeds will be donated to charity to help the victims of terrorism in Israel.


פרסום ראשון: 07.19.06, 02:40
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