
Photo:Amir Cohen
Damage caused by Qassam rocket
Photo:Amir Cohen

Report: Agreement on cessation of Qassam fire reached

Reports from Gaza claim Palestinian organizations agree to Hamas initiative to stop shooting Qassams. Islamic Jihad and others express dissent

Palestinian sources reported that organizations in the Gaza Strip came to an agreement Saturday afternoon to stop shooting Qassam rockets towards Israel. That having been said, a number of Palestinian organizations, including the Islamic Jihad and armed groups aligned with the Fatah said that they have no intention of stopping the barrages.


Pursuant to a number of meetings of the high committee of Palestinian factions in Gaza, organizations allegedly agreed to adopt a Hamas initiative declaring a cessation of Qassam rocket launchings "in order not to give Israel an excuse to continue the escalation of operations against Palestinians."


The committee decided that, in the event of an Israel offensive following cessation of rocket fire, it will be a Palestinian prerogative to attack Israel. The committee further agreed not to publish the terms of the decision in order to prevent internal political responses and "in order to prevent Israel from creating a provocation that would force Palestinians to violate these terms."


In Gaza, despite statements of dissent by the Islamic Jihad and other organizations, sources hope that the agreement will go into effect by Saturday at midnight. Spokespersons from all organizations have refused to confirm or deny the existence of such an agreement or the veracity of the aforementioned terms.


פרסום ראשון: 07.22.06, 22:49
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