
Damage caused by Qassam in Sderot three weeks ago
Photo: Tzfrir Abayov

Monday morning: 3 Qassams land in Negev

One rocket lands in heart of neighborhood, other in entrance to city; third rocket falls near kibbutz Zikim. Sunday, five rockets land in western Negev. Sderot resident: 'There is golden opportunity to finish job in Gaza'

Two Qassam rockets landed Monday in Sderot and a third one fell near kibbutz Zikim. One of the rockets landed in the Rabin neighborhood, the other in open space at the entrance to the city. There were no injuries and no damage caused.


According to one of the heads of the residents' protest in Sderot, Alon Davidi: "We have a feeling that the war in Gaza is far from being over. Actually, it is just starting. We are wary that what is happening in Lebanon will happen here, too. The Palestinians are armed with rockets and are using them against us. Now there is a golden opportunity to finish the job there with a political strategy."


Qassam rockets are being shot at Sderot, Ashkelon, and the western Negev communities on a daily basis. Sunday, five rockets landed in the Negev. A Qassam landed this morning near Gevim Junction, next to Sderot. Earlier, three additional rockets landed in Israel next to the industrial area of the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council and in open areas next to Kibbutz Mefalsim in the western Negev. In each incident there were no injuries and no damage caused.


Sunday afternoon a Qassam rocket was shot from northern Gaza and landed in an open area in the area of the Sderot cemetery. No one was hurt and no damage was caused.


Sources in Gaza claimed on Saturday that the Palestinian organizations came to an agreement on a cessation of rocket firing from Gaza to Israeli territory. However, a number of Palestinian organizations, among them the Islamic Jihad and armed groups linked with Fatah, said that they have no intention to stop firing rockets.


According to the report, following a series of meetings of the upper committee of Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip, it was decided to adopt Hamas' initiative to stop firing rockets "in order not to give Israel an excuse to continue the escalation against the Palestinians."



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