
'Aren't you ashamed?’ Zkoor

Akko: Arab MK, sister attacked by 3 Jews

Abas Zkoor claims ‘three crazy drunkards’ chased after his sister yelling ‘Arab, Nasrallah should kill you’ and tried to stab her; MK lightly injured by knife while trying to protect her

MK Abas Zkoor (United Arab List-Ta'al), who lives in Akko, claimed that he and his sister, who wears traditional Muslim attire, were attacked with a knife by a group of young Jews in the city.


Zkoor, who was lightly injured in his hand as he was stabbed by one of the assailants while trying to protect his sister, filed a complaint with the police.


"A couple of crazy drunkards chased after my sister and said to her ‘Arab, Nasrallah should kill you’. She ran away, but they chased after her, caught her and began to beat her. One of them took out a knife and tried to stab her. When I heard the screams, I arrived at the scene, and then they started to curse me. They wounded my finger, and my friend's ear," Zkoor told Ynet.


Akko police said three suspects were apprehended, adding that Zkoor was not attacked because of his MK status.


According to Zkoor, a young Arab man who happened to pass by prevented the assailants from stabbing his sister. The MK said he yelled at one of the assailants “aren’t you ashamed to attack a woman?”


In 2003 a bomb exploded beneath the car of Arab MK Isam Makhoul in Haifa. Haifa residents Eliran Golan and Alex Rabinovich were accused of plotting the attack; Golan later committed suicide.


A number of young Arabs began to gather at the scene and shortly thereafter police arrived and arrested the three assailants.


“One of the youngsters was injured in his ear and was evacuated to a Nahariya hospital,” Zkoor said.


The Arab MK and his sister claim the attack was nationalistically-motivated.


Ahiya Raved and Ilan Marciano contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 07.29.06, 23:49
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