
Photo: GPO

14 boys celebrate brit mila in Belarus

Young men say proudly: God has fourteen more faithful allies

Fourteen boys at the Gan Israel Summer Camp near Minsk joined the covenant of Abraham with God as they underwent a circumcision ceremony.


The Camp staff headed by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deutch had been explaining to the campers the great importance of fulfilling this commandment.


Dr. Ishaya Shafit, a mohel from Brit Yosef Yitzchak of Moscow, arrived in Minsk to carry out this ceremony with great professionalism, as he always does.


The young men are comfortable and say proudly that from now on God has fourteen more faithful allies.


Reprinted with permission of The Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS


פרסום ראשון: 07.30.06, 09:56
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