
Photo: Omri Eilat
Defense Minister Amir Peretz
Photo: Omri Eilat
Photo: Reuters
Soldiers in Lebanon
Photo: Reuters

Peretz to troops: Diplomatic achievements depend on you

Defense minister visits soldiers on northern border, says advancement in negotiations will be influenced by military accomplishments. Deputy army chief calls Hizbullah 'cancer that penetrated Lebanon.' And reservists complain of inadequate gear

The military operation in Lebanon is tightly linked to the developments in the diplomatic arena, Defense Minister Amir Peretz said during a meeting with soldiers near Biranit on the northern border.


"A diplomatic process is currently taking place, and everything you do here affects the ability to accomplish diplomatic achievements. The better job you do, the more substantial our gains will be in the diplomatic arena," Peretz stated.


Peretz added that "the coming days will determine the consciousness and the chance that in the future a terror groups dare attack the Israeli home front. The Cabinet's decision allows for the battle to be decided in southern Lebanon, until a multinational force is deployed in the region."

Peretz in briefing: 'Most important stage of fighting' (Photo: Omri Eilat)


"Our aim now is that this force indeed succeeds in enforcing the new situation that the IDF is trying to create, in which Hizbullah will no longer roam across southern Lebanon and use civilians. The IDF's goal is to curtail the threat to the Israeli hone front," he stated.


Reservists: Inadequate gear provided


Peretz stressed that "any agreement in Lebanon will have to include the release of the soldiers being held by Hizbullah. The army's plans are tailored to a short-term or a long-term diplomatic window of opportunity. We are making efforts in the global arena to persuade the international community that Israel needs to protect itself. We hope we'll have enough time to complete the IDF's operations."


Reservists who attended meeting alerted that the gear they were equipped with is inadequate, and also inquired whether the tasks they will be assigned with will match their operational abilities.


Peretz replied by saying that "every soldier must believe that the mission he is assigned with has been examined and approved by all ranks, from the division to the Prime Minister Office's levels."


Deputy army chief: Hizbullah cancer in Lebanon


Peretz stressed that "Israel has no intention of going to war with Syria," but warned that "any vehicle that transfers arms to Lebanon will be targeted."


Referring to the relative late start of the ground assault in Lebanon, the defense minister said that "the path we have taken is the proper one. This stage in the fighting has been pre-planned." He also requested that all summaries are carried out "at the end of the campaign, which is currently at one of its most crucial stages."


The deputy chief of staff, Major-General Moshe Kaplinsky, also attended the meeting. "We all understand that this cancer called Hizbullah penetrated so deep into the State of Lebanon that it crossed all the red lines," he said, adding: "We must carry on weakening this organization until we remove this threat to the people of Israel."


פרסום ראשון: 08.01.06, 14:28
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