
Organic field
Harduf dairy product

Land of milk and honey goes organic

Israel's bio-organics industry is thriving, gaining 'worldwide reputation for quality and reliability'

According to the Israel Bio-organic Agriculture Association (IBOAA), Israel’s bio-organics industry is thriving as the country’s kibbutzim and moshavim continue their organic farming efforts to produce a wide range of fresh vegetables, fruit, spices, and field crops.


“The country’s bio-organic farmers have built up a worldwide reputation for quality and reliability,” says Ilan Eshel, general manager of IBOAA.


Approximately 1.2 percent of Israel’s agricultural production is bio-organic farming, accounting for 10 percent of overall agricultural exports, totaling approximately USD 32 million. Organic agriculture has become one of the fastest growing sectors, achieving an annual growth rate of 25 percent.


According to Harduf, a leading manufacturer of organic products, the rising demand for organically grown dairy products in Israel and abroad has resulted in increased sales of more than 33 percent in the first quarter of this year as compared to last year.


Harduf Marketing Manager, Doron Shafon, said that dairy products lead organic sales in the US and Europe. “Harduf products are singled out for their quality and nutritional value and rich flavor. We combine the latest technology with traditional farming methods.”


Organic and natural products continue to be amongst the leading growth categories in the US with sales of organic kosher foods doing particularly well.


Reprinted with permission of The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute


פרסום ראשון: 08.03.06, 10:34
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