
Madonna. Outrageous?
Photo: AP

Jewish group warns Madonna concert organizers

Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia says pop singer's stage performances are amoral, urge all religious-minded people to abstain from attending her Moscow concert, Interfax news agency reports

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJC) said Madonna's stage performances were amoral and urged all religious-minded people to abstain from attending her Moscow concert due on September 11, the Interfax news agency reported.


"It is obvious to me, whether or not she uses religious symbols, a person with religious and moral values should not attend her concert because even without the use of religious symbols this is a very frivolous and amoral show," head of the press department of the FJC Boruch Gorin said.


As for the use by Madonna of crucifixes in her shows, he said, "It is even more outrageous precisely considering the image associated with this singer."


"Various Christian confessions" have expressed their attitude toward such a use of religious symbols, and "this leaves no doubt that it is insulting to the feelings of believers," he said.


In her show, Madonna uses Jewish and Muslim religious symbols and this for "me as a Jew, is shocking," Gorin said, adding that the fact that she uses in her songs Jewish terminology was "rather illiterate and inconsiderate."


According to the report, Gorin stressed that the organizers of such concerts in Moscow, which he said is "the capital of Orthodoxy," ought to "be more tactful toward the innermost in human moral; that is faith." Gorin reminded the audience about the reaction of the Muslim world to the publication in the Western media of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, the report said.


פרסום ראשון: 08.10.06, 15:35
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