
Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Defense Minister
EU envoy Javier Solana and Defense Minister Amir Peretz
Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Defense Minister

Peretz to Solana: Secure abductees' release

Defense minister tells EU envoy Israel insists on implementation of all ceasefire clauses, including disarming of Hizbullah, return of kidnapped IDF troops

Defense Minister Amir Peretz made it clear Sunday morning during his meeting with European envoy Javier Solana that the ceasefire resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council be implemented in full, including the disarmament of Hizbullah.


Before the meeting, Peretz said he also intends to ask the EU's foreign policy coordinator to intervene in order to secure the release of the abducted IDF soldiers.


The two figures met at Jerusalem's King David Hotel. At the opening of the meeting, Perez stressed that the Israeli government is about to embark on a session that would see the approval of the ceasefire.


Solana, meanwhile, stressed the importance of the day and promised to look into ways to advance the process and solution proposed by the UN. On Saturday, Solana praised the truce resolution but criticized the Security Council for taking too long to reach the decision. He also expressed his hope that both sides act as quickly as possible to implement the resolution.


The government is expected to approve Resolution 1701 during its session Sunday, but the withdrawal of IDF troops from Lebanon will only start in one or two weeks, as the first international and Lebanese army forces arrive in the area, according to a senior source at the Prime Minister's Office who spoke to Ynet.


Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan officially confirmed that the ceasefire will go into effect Monday morning.


During Sunday's government meeting, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will present the truce agreement. The ministers already received copies of the resolution in both Hebrew and English. Olmert's office is not expecting to encounter any substantial objection to the ceasefire agreement.


On Saturday, the Lebanese government unanimously approved the UN resolution.


פרסום ראשון: 08.13.06, 12:31
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