
IDF soldiers in Lebanon
Photo: Reuters

IDF kills 3 Hizbullah gunmen in south Lebanon

Hizbullah members killed in fire exchanges with troops in western sector of south Lebanon

IDF forces shot to death on Monday at least three Hizbullah gunmen near the village of Shama in the western sector of south Lebanon. None of the troops was injured.


The army claims that three Hizbullah members were killed in the incident.


Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Moreno was killed in the most recent incident in Lebanon after the ceasefire went into force. Moreno was killed during an elite unit operation in the town of Baalbek in the eastern sector.


According to the IDF, the operation was aimed at preventing the smuggling of arms from Iran and Syria to Hizbullah. Army sources stated that the operation's goals "have been achieved."


The army also claimed that the operation did nor constitute a violation of the ceasefire agreement, as the IDF said it reserves the right to prevent arms smuggling to the terror group.


פרסום ראשון: 08.21.06, 20:50
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