
Photo: AP
Northern residents in shelters during war
Photo: AP
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59 percent of Israelis helped northerners in war

C.A. Market research survey done for Ynet finds: Most of aid came in form of monetary donations, sending basic necessities and hospitality. Also, 26 percent plan on vacationing in north after war

More than half the population (59 percent) say they aided northern residents in some way during the war. This was found by a special survey done by the C.A. Institute for Market Research for Ynet.


The survey found that the aid came mainly in the form of monetary donations or sending basic necessities (27 percent), and hosting northern residents (26 percent). Other ways of giving aid were through purchasing products made by northern residents (13 percent), and making future reservations for vacation in the north (6 percent).


It was also found in the survey that more people with high salaries, those with higher education, and households with children declared aiding the north during the war than those in other categories. More specifically, women with high salaries between the ages of 30-49 reported sending more aid to the north through monetary donations and sending basic necessities.


People with average salaries, living in the Sharon area and the south tended more to host northern residents. Secular people and those with high salaries purchased products made by northern residents.


The survey also shows that after the war, the Israeli public places high importance on actively helping northern residents to rehabilitate and to return to normal routine. The survey found that those who place the highest importance on helping northern residents are young people up to age 29 and people with higher than average salaries.


The survey also revealed that 56 percent of the population intends to help northern residents after the war, mainly through going on vacation in the north (26 percent). Those who intend to send donations of money or goods make up 24.5 percent and 19 percent intend to purchase products made in the north.


And why are most Israelis helping northern residents? The survey finds that 82 percent of the population thinks it is very important to actively aid northern residents to rehabilitate and to return to normal routine. Only 3.7 percent of the respondents think this is the role of the government.


פרסום ראשון: 08.22.06, 12:41
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