
Photo: Amir Cohen
IDF operating in Gaza (Archive)
Photo: Amir Cohen

Report: Palestinian killed in IDF strike

Palestinian sources report troops are operating in Sajaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City, say one man mortally injured by army

Palestinian sources in Gaza reported that a man killed during an IDF operation in the Sajaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City. The IDF has yet to respond to the incident.


Three Palestinians were killed earlier on Sunday in the course of a military operation in the area. Two of the men were Hamas members.


Three Palestinian were wounded on Friday, after the IDF launched an air strike on the home of Ziad Tanbura, a member of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing.


According to Palestinian sources, the IDF warned the house residents before the strike, but three people were lightly wounded. IDF officials said that weapons were stored in the house.


Following the IDF's strikes last week, members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing, have threatened to carry out suicide bombings in Israel .


According to a statement issued by the organization on the Maan news agency, "the policy of bombing the homes of our activists will only add to our devotion in choosing resistance."


The statement also said that "the Brigades activists will overcome any Israeli obstacle on their way to carry out these attacks inside Israel."


פרסום ראשון: 08.28.06, 00:04
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