Rosh Hashana (Archive)
Photo: Government Press Office

Elul: A month of transition

We have an opportunity to renew ourselves, to go from confidence to fear and to conclude

Elul is a month of transitions, from summer to fall, camp to school, vacation to work, Tisha B’Av to Rosh Hashanah. These transformations are what form the bedrock of Teshuva.


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Let’s take a look at two examples of these transformations that appear in our liturgy. The first can be found in the psalm we recite every day during the month of Elul, Psalm 27, L’David Hashem Ori.


The Psalm begins with great confidence and faith in Hashem – “Im Takum Alai Milchama” – Even if a war were to come upon me, “B’Zot Ani Boteach” – I have faith Hashem would protect me.


But only a few pesukim later, David continues, “Al Taster Panecha Mimeni” – I am afraid, don’t hide your face from me. And then he continues with confidence “Kaveh El Hashem” I have faith in Hashem. That transition is part of the roller coaster of the month of Elul.


Another transition takes place as Moshe Rabbeinu was on Mount Sinai for an additional forty days. Rav Eliyahu Dessler asks, why did Moshe need another forty days to get the second luchot? Hadn’t he already received the Torah?


Rav Dessler explains that Moshe was relearning the Torah afresh, renewing his relationship with God. 


We too have the opportunity of the month of Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot to experience that renewal ourselves as well. To go from confidence to fear and to conclude, we hope, for all Jews around the world, wherever they may be, “Kaveh El Hashem, Chazak V’Amatz Libecha, V’Kaveh el Hashem”.


Rabbi Jeff Fox is the rabbi of Kehillat Kesher, Englewood, NJ. 

Courtesy of the Orthodox Union Take Five for Torah program


פרסום ראשון: 08.29.06, 10:32
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