
Horseracing coming to Israel
Photo: Reuters

Horse racing betting coming to Israel

Hippodrome will be built in Israel next to Gilboa mountains. Within 5 years, hotel and shopping center will be built next to hippodrome and will become center of recreation

Good news for horse lovers and gamblers: In about a month, during the holiday of Sukkot, a hippodrome will open in Israel.


The hippodrome will open next to the Gilboa mountains. The plan, which sounds a bit imaginary, was already set in motion. The racetrack and some of the balconies, which could hold up to 5,000 spectators, have already been set.


According to the plan, the hippodrome will become in the next five years to a recreation center. Next to the racetrack, there will be a park, a horse-riding school, a hotel with 120 rooms, restaurants and coffee shops, stores and sport centers.


The project may cost up to USD 15 million. The money will be provided by private investors, without government funding. The Head of the Gilboa Regional Council Dani Atar said that the international companies are showing an interest in investing all the money needed for the project.


The opening race will take place in Sukkot, on October 11, and will be following with a launching party. It is planned to have about three races per week.


The Council for the Management of Sport Bets will coordinate the bets on the results of the races, and the gamblers will be able to fill out forms next to the racing arena and at lottery counters. The project is expected to create about 3,500 jobs.


פרסום ראשון: 09.04.06, 15:01
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