
Photo: Ata Awisat
Israeli President Moshe Katsav
Photo: Ata Awisat

Katsav: Wait for end of investigation

Following meeting with Polish president, president refers to his formal request of Knesset House Committee asking to absent him from his role on Thursday, including inauguration ceremony of Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch

President Moshe Katsav presented the Knesset House Committee with a formal request on Monday to absent himself from his position on Thursday, in order not to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch.


Following a meeting with Polish President Lech Kaczynski on Monday, Katsav explained that he "has to wait for end of the investigation. I didn't want the President's inauguration ceremony to be controversial, with attention on me, and so I preferred not to preside on the ceremony. I will continue with my official duties."


"I understand that there are those who want a conviction before an investigation, and I am fighting for my reputation. My family and I are going through rough times, not only have we fallen victim to a humiliating scheme but the natural laws of justice and basic rights of each citizen are on the balance now. With all your enthusiasm to see people hang in the town square, wait for the end of the investigation."

Katsav with Polish President Lech Kaczynski (Photo: Dudi Vaaknin)


The House Committee, comprised of 24 members, represents all Knesset party. Members of the Kadima faction are anticipated to approve the request, but it is unclear which way the committee will sway.


The primary opponents of the request, based on comments thus far, are from Meretz. Additionally, House Committee Chairperson MK Ruhama Avraham (Kadima) has expressed disapprobation, as has House Committee representative for the Pensioners Party, Itshac Galantee.


Katsav already announced last week that he would absent himself from Beinisch's inauguration ceremony "in order to prevent any controversy from being associated with the event".


House Committee can respond, not initiate 

The House Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday to consider the request. The committee can either approve or postpone the request, but cannot alter it.


Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik, who will replace Katsav if his absence is approved, intends to cut her visit to Washington and New York short in order to attend the inauguration.


MK Avraham said that "it's important to emphasize that the committee can only address the president's request and cannot decide to extend the period of his absence." She added that nine members of the House Committee are currently abroad and it is unclear how many will return in order to vote, most likely not more than two or three.


Knesset legal advisor Nurit Elstein recently issued a statement that Katsav's announcement of nonattendance of Beinisch's inauguration ceremony gives the House Committee the authority to discuss the president's formal absence.


"The Basic Law regarding the president states that the president will cease temporarily to fill his role if he announces to the House Committee that he is unable to do so and if the house committee approves this announcement by majority vote. The initiative to absent himself from his position is the president's."


"The committee must convene to discuss the matter based on the president's announcement and does not have the authority to initiate this matter," Elstein reiterated.


Aviram Zino contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 09.11.06, 11:39
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