
Photo: Amir Cohen
Peretz: Defense minister of peace?
Photo: Amir Cohen

Peretz: I’m not quitting

Speaking at screening of documentary film on social revolution, Defense Minister Peretz said he will only leave his post when he feel he has exhausted himself in it. ‘I very much wanted to be finance minister, but I also wanted there to be a restrained government in Israel,’ he explains

Defense Minister Amir Peretz will not give up his position despite the many criticisms targeted at him since the war in Lebanon.


In an interview Friday, Peretz said that as defense minister he must make sure that the adjustments in the defense establishment and in the IDF are done appropriately. However, he emphasized, if he comes to feel he has exhausted his abilities in the position, he will give it up.


Peretz enjoyed some cultured leisure time at a special screening Friday of the documentary film “Bread, work and agenda,” directed by Nitzan Chen, which will air Sunday night on Channel 1. The film deals with social issues and portrays much footage from the years of Peretz’ tenure as chairman of the Histadrut and chairman of the Labor party during the “social” period prior to the elections.


For a restrained government

“I very much wanted to be finance minister, but I also wanted there to be a restrained government in Israel,” Peretz said ahead of the screening.


“I believed that a right-wing government would rise, and therefore I thought the government should be restrained. I believed and I continue to believe that I will be a defense minister of peace and at the same time I will strengthen the social issues. To my great regret, I found myself in the midst of a war,” he said.


“The unfortunate events that Israel experienced have historical implications. The war that exposed a crumbling Home Front and brought all those people into the light proved that national immunity is both a social and security issue,” Peretz said.


The future

Regarding the future of his political career, Peretz noted, “I am standing at an important crossroads but it is not only mine. This crossroads will decide if someone will place the value of humanity as the central issue. I have no problem being judged for my actions, but there is

one thing I am asking: That no one think I changed my path.”


“Amir Peretz of the film is the real Amir and that is how I plan to stay. In the last four months I carried national responsibility. My faith is with me and I am sure the man you saw is part of the landscape. I have no intention of breaking and no intention of giving up. The social agenda needs to get up on its feet,” Peretz asserted.


פרסום ראשון: 09.15.06, 17:27
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