
Photo: Tzvika Tishler
Yaalon: Angered Olmert
Photo: Tzvika Tishler
Photo: Reuters
Olmert: On the defensive
Photo: Reuters

PM to Yaalon: Don't drag bereaved families into argument

Ehud Olmert reacts to the statements of former IDF chief Yaalon in interview with Haaretz published on Friday, saying that 'the 33 soldiers who were killed during the last two days of the war were victims of spin'

During Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in reaction to former IDF Chief of Staff MosheYaalon's comments that "If someone wants to attack the Prime Minister or the Minister of Defense, it is understandable, but I cannot understand how someone dares to do so to dozens of families who sent their sons to die, and claim they were sent to a photo-op. It's a shame that the families of those who lost their loved ones are dragged into this argument on a whim. It's a shame that they are used to settle a score."


Olmert said the words just after the cabinet approved the formation of a government inquiry commission to investigate the failures of the war in Lebanon.


Olmert, who has been under attack since the end of the war from across the political spectrum, and from all parts of Israeli society has reiterated that he will not behave in the same way. "I have chosen to restrain myself. I am not about to be dragged into arguments and lashings, not because I don't have an answer, but because I have chosen to do so," Olmer said.


Yaalon sharply criticized the decision to send a massive ground offensive which ended the war. "This action was a spin. It did not have a concrete military-political objective. It was only a spin," Yaalon said.


'It is better to keep quiet now'  

"It was designed to reach the missing victory photo. You don't do these things. You don't send soldiers to a meaningless operation after the political objectives have already been reached. In my eyes, it is corrupt, and people should be fired. For this you don't need an inquiry committee. Whoever made the decision should take the responsibility and resign," Yaalon said. Regarding Olmert, Yalon said that "he cannot say 'I didn't know, I was misled.' He doesn't have to be a military person to know that this is not the way to go to war," he added.


On the subject of readiness for war, Olmert said that "we must allow the Winograd Committee to finish its task." He called on ministers and politicians not to let emotions get hold of their common sense. "I am asking to let the committee do its job and then speak out," Olmert said.


"It is better to keep quiet now and examine the questions based on the conclusions of the investigation," he added. Cabinet Secretary Yisrael Maimon told the media after the meeting that Olmert does not duck the question about the possibility that the committee might call for his resignation, but that the committee has not begun working, and no conclusions were reached yet. "When they will, we will discuss them," Maimon said.


פרסום ראשון: 09.17.06, 18:03
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