
Photo:Yaron Brenner
Olmert: With humor
Photo:Yaron Brenner

PM slams media’s coverage of war

Ehud Olmert says ‘only way I treat media reports these days is with humor; reader or viewer is seen as someone who is motivated by pleasure, and so what he is given is entertainment’

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at Tel Aviv University on Sunday that he would not react to the way the war was covered by the media, but added that he was pleased with the decision to appoint a special commission to probe the performance of the media during the war.


Olmert spoke about the importance of the media to a democratic state, but said that the best service the media is providing these days is educating their audience to be skeptical of what they read.


"It is difficult to overstate the importance of the media which is seen as the 'watchdog of democracy,' but the feeling is that it is not always so," Olmert said.


'Israeli system more like rugby.' Peres (L) with Olmert (Photo: Yaron Brenner) 


According to the prime minister, the media is facing two major challenges: "First, there is no denying that we are in a post-modern time, where the truth is treated with criticism and cynicism. There is not one single truth, but only a reflection of a personal opinion. Anything goes, everything is ok. We see that in media reports by the foreign press of what is happening in Israel. The second challenge is the electronic media, the clip. Everything is very fast and very 'clippy.' You need to move on so the viewer won't get bored. The truth, however, is not like that. You cannot do with a summery that is not always truthful."


Vice Premier Shimon Peres spoke about the connections between politicians and the media, saying that the politicians want something ‘light and fluffy.’ He explained: "The politicians say: You journalists don't respect each other and are ignoring the real issues, and we politicians are angry at you, but will never forgive you if you stopped writing about us."


Peres did not take seriously the reports saying Olmert is considering changing the Israeli governing system and said that "maybe we need to change the system to rugby or soccer. There are clear rules to the game and a set time. There are referees; we don't need an investigation committee. There is order. The entire British political system is based on soccer. I am afraid the Israeli system is more like rugby."


פרסום ראשון: 09.17.06, 23:30
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