
Photo: Yaron Brener
PM Olmert. Praises Kadima
Photo: Yaron Brener

Olmert: Kadima had no significant failure

In ceremony to celebrate New Year with faction members, prime minister recounts his government's achievements. 'Kadima is today the most important political factor in Israel,' Olmert states, says wants to expand coalition

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert assembled his faction's members in his Jerusalem residence Monday evening for a toast to celebrate the New Jewish Year. Olmert was full of praise for his party and government, and stressed that he had not given up the possibility of broadening the coalition. "I still believe it's possible. With patience and wisdom, it may still materialize," he said.


The PM also stated that he wishes for the Labor Party to remain in the government, but that he expects its members "to act accordingly."


"We will not rely on this alone, we must rely on ourselves, on Kadima, because Kadima's strength lies in it continuing to be a central and responsible force for those around it. If there's one thing we've learned from the previous Knessets it is that crises work to dismantle parties, and the State of Israel needs Kadima," Olmert said.


Commenting on the failures of the second Lebanon war, Olmert stated: "I sense the public's feelings after the war and see that sometimes those feelings do not reflect the war's true achievements. The nations of the world realize this war's huge accomplishments, and I become aware of this in each meeting I have with a world leader."


"When the presidents of the United States arrives especially to meet with our colleague, Minister Tzipi Livni, and asks her to convey to me his great sympathy and commitment toward Israel, I realize that beyond the criticism there are some real achievements," he added.


The PM said that he is proud of his faction for being "of the highest standard, the most serious and the most impressive – not only in this Knesset, but compared to many of the previous Knessets as well." He also stated that the party had no significant failure during the last Knesset seat.


פרסום ראשון: 09.18.06, 23:33
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