
Photo: Avihu Shapira
Amir Peretz
Photo: Avihu Shapira

Peretz: We won’t close our eyes to Iran, Syria

Defense Minister Amir Peretz warns that most significant threat coming from Iran, Syria. ‘Iran appears to be ignoring all international pressures, and plans to continue its program. We won’t remain indifferent on this matter,’ Peretz cautions

Eye on the east: Israel will not be forgiving as it was in Lebanon when it comes to Syria and Iran, Defense Minister Amir Peretz declared Wednesday during a festive toast ceremony in honor of Rosh Hashana.


“Clearly the Iran-Syria axis is a strategic threat to Israel. We don’t plan to fall asleep on guard duty, and we won’t look in their direction forgivingly, as we did in south Lebanon. This is not a crisis that can be overcome with closed eyes, but a crisis that raises questions about the existence of the State of Israel,” Peretz said.


Peretz was speaking at a ceremony attended by excelling IDF non-commissioned officers. “We upgraded our plans in the North, and now coping with the Iranian issue has widened. We see the Iranian threat as a threat to the entire free world, and we won’t let the world say this is only about Israel. Right now it appears that Iran is ignoring all international pressures and plans to continue its program. We won’t remain indifferent on this matter.”


Change in strategy

The defense minister responded to the outcome of the war in Lebanon and its consequences. “There has been a strategic change in the State of Israel,” Peretz stressed. “Until now Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora was responsible for the coffee houses and Hizbullah for the firing.


"When missiles were fired from Gaza, every element would claim they were not responsible and would attribute it to renegade cells. Israel found itself in a dilemma over whether to respond to the whole region or just against the particular cell behind the fire, and therefore we operated surgically.


“All this created a situation in which the IDF’s deterrent abilities could not be imposed completely. We ignored the relation between sovereignty and responsibility. Now, after we complete the withdrawal from Lebanon, there will no longer be a question as to who is the element responsible there.


"The Lebanese government saw to it that there is no longer a question in the matter, and it is responsible as the Palestinian Authority is responsible for the Gaza Strip. We do not distinguish between organizations, and this significantly alters Israel’s ability to defend itself.”


'Significant accomplishments' in Lebanon

Like other senior officials in the political ranks – and especially against the backdrop of the severe public criticism – Peretz also feels the need to emphasize the Israeli triumphs at the end of the war. “We accomplished very significant achievements in south Lebanon,” Peretz said.


“In my opinion, the feeling that we didn’t accomplish everything stems from the fact that we didn’t return the kidnapped soldiers on the day of the ceasefire. We are making every effort – in both covert and open channels – and appealing to the international community to uphold its obligations in this matter.”


Regarding the likelihood of beginning political processes towards peace with the Palestinians after the establishment of a new unity government in the PA, Peretz declared: “Without the return of Gilad Shalit and the halt of Qassam fire, we cannot start talks with the Palestinians.”


פרסום ראשון: 09.20.06, 20:56
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