
Photo: Dudu Bechar
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Photo: Dudu Bechar

Israelis purchase NIS 6.5 mn in kippas, tallits

Kippa sales ahead of Yom Kippur up 25 percent compared with yearly average, tallit sales ahead of Days of Awe totaled NIS 4 million

According to Textile and Fashion Industries Association data, sales of locally manufactured kippas ahead of Yom Kippur have risen by as much as 25 percent compared to the yearly average and by 5 percent in comparison with last year’s holiday season figures.


The overall sales during Rosh Hashana and the period prior to Yom Kippur totaled NIS 2.5 million (USD 580,000) and are expected to reach NIS 19 million (USD 4.4 million) for the year.


Kippa prices range from NIS 10 (USD 2.30) to 40 (USD 9).


Sales of tallits (prayer shawls) have also increased, with retailers reporting a 15 percent rise in sales compared to the yearly average and a 6 percent increase from Yom Kippur 2005.


According to the data, tallit sales ahead of the Days of Awe totaled some NIS 4 million (USD 900,000), while sales for the entire year are expected to reach NIS 40 million (USD 9.3 million).


Tallit prices range from NIS 60 (USD 14) for a silk shawl to NIS 350 (USD 82) for a decorated wool shawl.


The two major Tallit manufacturers, Mishkan-Hatchelet and Talitania, control 90 percent of the market.


פרסום ראשון: 09.28.06, 17:02
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